More and more traditional boutiques are branching out onto the Internet and one of the latest I discovered is
Marissa Collections. From jewelry to shoes to clothing, you can get that total looking now on line. Pretty cool!
From the web site: "The most important style of each season is individual style" so says Marissa Hartington.
Her notoriety precedes her. There is no other store like Marissa Collections - no other woman like "M". She oozes creativity. Whether it's her flamboyant personality and eclectic style, or the extraordinary application of art and form to the merchandising of her intriguing windows and store displays she is a master at creating subtle but effective statements. She is passionate about everything visual.
The store has a modern, hip look about it, nothing department storish about 9,000 square feet of exquisite space, and now our new Online store is striving to achieve the same stimulating shopping experience. Whether you enjoy the store in Naples or here online we hope you have a fabulous time.
Welcome to the Web! One nice thing about such a web store is that you can find merchandise available from a variety of designers, such as this rutilated crystal drop necklace from Sonya Ooten.

Or even a Breil leather mother of pearl watch with rose gold frame

Thus, your selection, even though this site seems to be a work in progress at the moment, is greater than you'd expect.
See article.
[Source: The Jewelry Weblog]