Can you believe the end of October is tomorrow?! Yikes! And, me with no Halloween costume to wear.
If you are in the mood for some scary Halloween jewelry, then flip over to the new video posted at the Metal Chik web site. Victoria visits Halloween Adventure and Gothic Renaissance located in New York City.
Among the freaky stuff she checks outs in the jewelry department is this wacky cabochon necklace pictured above. Yes, that is a necklace! Watch the video and you'll see what I mean. As pictured, it looks like a bunch of wires tossed around a rock, but when you see it better in the video it does finally look like a necklace, or at least I think it does.
So, enjoy your candy and spooky day tomorrow! At the very least, I guess I can throw a lot of beads around my neck and hoop earrings on my ears and be a gypsy for the day.
See full article.
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