Monday, December 10, 2007

Loving Leather...Jewelry, that is!


Now I love leather...Ok, that's a provocative admission! But then again, I ride a motorcycle! Wearing leather is integral to that culture. That said, who doesn't love a great pair of boots or a pretty suede bag? Leather is prevalent in a lot of fashion...but not often considered a material used in jewelry design.

Enter Najawa Moses who's created a debut earring collection that I totally love. Dubbed "The Hollywood Set," each earring is unique and made by hand by Najawa herself in soft, pretty leather. The earrings are big in scale and feature bright colors and interesting textural details - like these below:

And as interesting and unusual as the earrings themselves is the inspiration behind this collection. She explains: "'The Hollywood Set'...was inspired by the often bizarre yet productive roles of key players in the entertainment industry. The names of the items: The Agent, The Blogger, The Stylist, The Publicist, The BFF & The Celebrity have forever been etched into our pop culture vocabulary." She's a thinker as well as a designer!

Here's another pair I like, made of metallic leather:


Most of the earrings from "The Hollywood Set" are priced under $100. They are available at Perfect for gifting!


See article.


[Source: The Jewelry Weblog]