Just in time for holiday shopping, Stiletto Jungle found 13 Junk Food vintage-look rocker tees on sale for 42% off.
Goyard caught the go-green bug with the new environmentally conscious Goyard St. Louis Shopper Tote. Bag Bliss has more..
Not sure what to wear this holiday? Grab a bit of Bottega Veneta from Bag Snob!
Beauty Snob explores the sexy scent of Elle from YSL.
You can DIY your wedding without skimping on style. Enter to win a free copy of The DIY Wedding by Kelly Bare at Coquette.
Stay gorgeous & skinny by shaving an extra 1,000 fattening calories off your holiday feast without giving up the good life...Fashiontribes shows how.
KRiSTOPHER likes boss black leather and lapin.KRiSTOPHER loves boss black leather and lapin D&G Dolce & Gabbana gloves for winter.
Now that there is finally a chill in the air Second City Style has your winter wardrobe essentials and even tells you where to buy them. How easy is that?
Over at StyleBakery.com, the editors share what they're loving now.
Celebrity Styleaholic Najwa Moses gets up close and personal with Jennifer Hudson.
Browse through Stylehive's slideshow of the ten hottest (well, warmest) resorts and hotels to visit this holiday season.
WE LOVE BEAUTY.com is intrigued by the new beauty collection from Coach - especially the three lipsticks. See full article.
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