Thursday, January 3, 2008

Learn About Vintage Costume Jewelry

Ever wonder what started the costume jewelry craze? War, that's what. There was a limited amount of metal then, so jewelry designers had to find other alternative materials to make their jewelry. That's just one of many interesting jewelry tid bits and historical information you'll find on this excellent article on Vintage Costume Jewelry History Designers, which I found, where else, but

This video will be especially interesting to anyone who has a collection, even a small one perhaps, of costume jewelry or maybe if you just dig around in your grandmother's old jewelry box, you'll discover some little costume jewelry artifacts in there as well.See full article.
Related Entries:

Costume Jewelry Valuable - 23 January 2006

Collecting Costume Jewelry - 13 March 2006

Junk Jewelry - 29 April 2006

Vintage Jewelry with Metal Chik - 17 October 2007

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[Source: The Jewelry Weblog]