Today I say a very reluctant good-bye to my jewelry weblog here as well as the other work I've done with Creative Weblogging over the past couple of years. I can't tell you how much I have learned as a writer slash blogger and how much I will miss everyone who makes up this wonderful and supportive network.
This has not at all been an easy decision for me, but due to a general increase in my workload that includes a new full-time teaching position starting next year and two jewelry book deals that will carry me into the early summer, something had to go, and unfortunately that means my home here at the Jewelry Weblog. I have no doubt they will soon find a fabulous jewelry-loving replacement for me, so the blog will continue on and I hope readers will continue to return to see what's new here. I know that I'll be keeping an eye on it for sure.
I'll still be on the web. You can find me at Jewelry Making at,, and of course, my personal wacky blog, Fatand40.
I wish everyone at Creative Weblogging continued success.
See article.
[Source: The Jewelry Weblog]